Paths for AI adoption
General education/awareness
Learn what exists and what is possible
Look up for various AI, DS, GenAI related events announced across of NYU
Read about resources available at NYU to enable large-scale DS and AI research and teaching
Teaching classes with Data Science and AI components: NYU JuptyerHub
AIfSR sponsored events
Stay informed: subscribe to AIfSR LinkedIn
Proof of Concept (POC)
NYU Center of Data Science
Undergraduate program: Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Graduate students:
AI/DS classes at NYU
Learn to use modern languages for data processing, cleaning, shaping, visualization, and more.
Training students to apply AI / DS to scientific data and for solving scientific tasks as a consultant
Professors may have a research group already that can implement things
Professors may find a hire and manage specialists in research assistant or similar capacity
Professors may hire students at NYU Wasserman Center
Professors may approach NYU IT RIT team to get help with formulating your needs and a frame for research
Professors may hire a specialist at AIfSR DS consulting